Karachi is a land of diligent people

Karachi is a land of diligent people

A year ago, I went to the south of Pakistan. It’s a big country, from south to sea and from north to spectacular mountains. about people, I just can say Karachi is a land of diligent people. Pakistan is the eastern neighbor of Iran. Karachi is capital of Sindh. Does it the crowded city? the answer is Yes. Does it the safe place? the answer is Yes but not all areas. in Karachi, defense area is safe. in another area, I don’t know. it’s better you don’t test it. as may be you know, it has dangerous. there are police and army in all place. so where that there is a police or army is safe. I don’t have an idea about another place.

Karachi beach
Karachi beach

The people

Pakistani people are the evening person. they started work at 9 or 10 Am in the morning. maybe the reason for that is whether in the day is very warm. the special property of this people is very kindly and hard-working. they like spicy food maybe because the weather is warm. the religion of people in Karachi is 95% Muslim and 5% another religion such as Hindu and Christian.this point is interesting to me that is more of the rich people doesn’t have the Hijab.  but more of poor people had the Hijab. Pakistani people speak Urdu. in Urdu “slow” is “Ahesta”, bread is “NAAN”. some words are common with Farsi. in my opinion Urdu is the mix of English, Farsi, Hindi, and native language.

What can we do

Karachi beach is an amazing place for relaxing, riding a horse and a camel. you can see the fishing ship on the sea. even rent a boat and fishing on the boat. I think It’s fantastic. of course, there are a lot of things to do but I don’t have experience with that. I like swimming in the sea. Karachi weather is good for swimming. in my opinion spring and winter are the best season for traveling to Karachi. the second highest peak in the world is K2. it is in Pakistan

riding Camel in the beach


What can we eat 

At the first, I must say all foods in Pakistan are spicy. if somebody says “NO” you don’t believe that. Biryani is the famous food in this country. finally, I couldn’t understand this food is for which country. there is the Biryani in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and etc. I like Ghorma and Naan(Pakistani bread). It includes meat and Pakistani Spice. people drinking tea with milk.it was usual. I love Pakistani tea.


Ghorma and sweet bread


Pakistani Nuts
Pakistani Nuts
Pakistani Tea
Pakistani Tea


There are several markets in Karachi. clothes are very cheap. if you want to buy cheap clothes you should go to Zeynab market. there is a Hypermarket like Dolmen mall. here have the expensive things.there are several markets in Karachi that I prefer Zeynab market. Ndure is a good brand for trainers it is made in Pakistan. the currency of Pakistan is Pakistani rupee. one us dollar in may of 2018 is 115.60 Pakistani rupee.

Traditional Market
Traditional Market in Karachi
Ndure Brand
Ndure Brand

Public transport

For short distances, you can get a Rickshaw. Rickshaw is a small motorbike that has a cabin with three wheels. over long distances, you should get a taxi.

How can we get to Karachi from Tehran

There are two ways of getting to Karachi. by air, there is a direct flight to Karachi from Tehran every Thursday by Iran airline. for the indirect flight, you can use Qatar airline and Emirates airline. by sea, you should get to Chabahar port and travel by ship. I think this way is not suitable. the border between Iran and Pakistan is not safe.

The journey to Karachi was one of the best of my travels.

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