Doroud City

Doroud City

Doroud forest park Photo by Rozbeh Gholami


Doroud is a small city in East of Lorestan province. we called Doroud because in Farsi river is Roud and around it, there are two rivers (Roud).this city is located between 4 cities from the north to Borojerd, from the south to Aligodarz, From the west to Khoramabad(capital of lorestan), and east to Azna. it is on the slopes of Oshtorankoh (known as Alps of Iran).the area is 120 km2  . the population of Doroud is 162,800 people in 2016. the dialect of peoples in the city is Bakhtiyari (it’s near Aligodarz’s dialect), Lori Minjayi (it’s near Khoramabad’s dialect), and Silakhori (it’s near Borojerd’s dialect). the dating of the city is near 130 years. the old name of Doroud was Bahrein.

Natural Attractions 

There are many things to see: mountains, forest, lake, rivers, valley, the famous mountain is Oshtotankoh, Pariz, Ghoron, Rangi and etc, in my opinion, Pariz is the  best of mountain in Iran, you can see this mountain from inside the city and there are many Oak forests in that mountain, Oshtorankoh is the highest peak in Lorestan province and the eighth peak in Iran, height’s Oshtorankoh is 4150 m and the famous peak in this mountain is Sanboran, more of forest in this area(Zagros) is Oak, and famous of them is Razoso (Razo is kind of Oak in Lori dialect) and Ti(Ti is village near Doroud), and about lake I can say there are two lakes, which of natural lakes, name of lakes is Gahar and Ezgen, which Ezgen is wetland, and there is a dam between Doroud and Borojerd, which called Maro-ak. there are two rivers around Doroud (Marvare and Tire), Naygah valley is 20 km long and there is river inside valley, which name is Sepid Aab (white water), in valley there are several seasonal waterfalls, this valley is between Ti village and 6 Km from Gahar lake.

Notice: For go to Oshtorankoh, Pariz, and Neygah Valley, you need a native natural leader.

Hotel and Transportation

There are two hotels in Doroud

  • Iranzamin hotel
  • Shahrdari hotel

And about reaching to Doroud from Tehran, there are two way

  • Train(Tehran Railway Station)
  • Bus(Tehran Jonob Terminal)


Gahar lake
Gahar Lake
Pariz Mountain Photo by Ali Abdolvand


Neygah valley Photo by Ali Abdolvand
Oak Photo by Ali Abdolvand
Grainfield Photo by Ali Abdolvand
Sezar River photo by Ali Abdolvand

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